Thursday, February 19, 2015

Vigil for Tamir Rice this Sunday February 22

The vigil will take place at 5PM on Sunday at the Nicholas Naquan Heyward Jr. Park, Gowanus Houses, Wyckoff between Hoyt and Bond in Brooklyn.

This from the email announcement sent by the Stop Mass Incarceration Network:

"On November 22, 12 year old Tamir Rice was executed simply because he was Black and playing with a toy gun in a park. Cleveland cops arriving on the scene took 2 SECONDS to gun Tamir down, shooting him twice in the stomach. Tamir’s 14-year-old sister ran to Tamir’s aid and was tackled by the cops, handcuffed, and thrown in the back of a police car as Tamir was dying. Tamir’s mother also tried to run to Tamir and was stopped. Four minutes passed without any attempt to administer first aid to Tamir who bled to death.

"The whole incident was caught on video. Yet still the cop who murdered Tamir walks free and has NOT been indicted. The police patrol inner city communities like an occupying army while the system gives them a license to brutalize and murder people. This Must Stop and WE must stop it.
"On February 22 - Remember Tamir and all children murdered by cops! We refuse to go back to the days when cops wantonly brutalize and kill Black and Brown people without people standing up. No More!"

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